Lower Body Ischemia-Reperfusion during: RESULTS
CDl lb and CD 18 expressions on neutrophils and monocytes from arterial and venous samples were measured before, during and after aortic clamping. After reperfusion, CDl lb expression on venous and arterial neutrophils rose significantly, reaching a peak at 34.4 ± 27 minutes on venous neutrophils and 38.5 ±16 minutes on arterial neutrophils (Figure 1, upper panel). Likewise, CDl lb expression on monocytes rose during reperfusion (Figure 1, bottom panel). Peak CDl lb expression on monocytes was reached at 31.4 ± 20 minutes on venous and 36.4 ± 14 minutes on arterial monocytes.
Similar rises in CD 18 expression on the venous and arterial neutrophils and monocytes were observed (Figure 2). The mean time to peak expression of CD 18 after reperfusion was 34.0 ± 16.7 minutes on the venous neutrophils, 47.5 ± 33 minutes on the arterial neutrophils, 40.0 ± 11.5 minutes on the venous monocytes and 50.0 ± 28.0 minutes on the arterial monocytes. A representative bar graph illustrating the changes of CD 18 expression on monocytes and neutrophils at various time points prior to and after unclamping is provided in Figure 3.
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Figure 1. Mean CD 11 b expression on neutrophils (upper panel) and monocytes (lower panel), in the blood samples taken from the radial artery (dark bars) and femoral vein (open bars) before general anesthesia (GA), shortly after incision, during aortic clamping and at the peak observed after reperfusion compared to other time points from the same sample site; * p<0.01; # p<0.001
Figure 2. Mean CDl8 expression on neutrophils (upper panel) and monocytes (lower panel) in the blood samples taken from the radial artery (dark bars) and femoral vein (open bars) before general anesthesia (GA), shortly after incision, during aortic clamping and at the peak observed after reperfusion compared to other time points from the same sample site; * p<0.05
Compared to baseline, the total leukocyte and absolute neutrophil counts increased significantly in arterial and venous blood after aortic unclamping. Changes in absolute neutrophil count noted during surgery are shown in Figure 4. Times to peak neutrophil counts during reperfusion were 46.0 ± 30.0 minutes and 44.0 ± 29.0 minutes for venous and arterial samples, respectively. viagra plus
Figure 3. Representative bar graphs depicting CD 18 expression on blood neutrophils (upper panel) and monocytes (lower panel) in radial artery blood (dark bars) and femoral venous blood (open bars) obtained at multiple time points during surgical procedure in a patient undergoing abdominal aorta aneurysm repair.
Figure 4. The absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of blood samples taken from the radial artery (dark bars) and femoral vein (open bars) before general anesthesia (GA), shortly after incision, during aortic clamping and at the peak observed after reperfusion compared to other time points from the same sample site; * p<0.001
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There were no significant correlations between either the magnitude of rise or time to peak expression of the given receptors with the duration of aortic clamping.
Category: Health
Tags: adhesion molecules, CD1 lb/CD 18, inflammation, leukocytes, vascular endothelium